Leadership Communiqué February 2016

We are in the business of Building and Sustaining Healthy Nations. To build and sustain Healthy Nations you have to transform and redesign health systems. Health care transformation and health system redesign involves changing health policies and reforming institutions and organisations worldwide. Understanding the policy process is essential for today’s health care professional leaders and managers.  Our passion is helping others excel with health care leadership development, health policy and systems evaluation.  Supporting your missions and objectives by delivering expertise in Global Health Initiatives is our goal.

Throughout this year, we will be writing Leadership Communiqués that brief you on our latest work and outcomes worldwide.We will also put in context the latest information on leadership development and policies and strategies on how to build and sustain Healthy Nations.

Celebrating Regional Cooperation in the Caribbean

In November 2015, Stephanie L. Ferguson & Associates, LLC was awarded the contract by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) to conduct the Evaluation of the Regional Health Framework 2010-2015 for the Implementation of the Caribbean Cooperation and Health Phase III (CCH III).  We are headed to Trinidad and Tobago to present the findings of the CCH III and recommendations for CCH IV to key stakeholders in the Caribbean the week of 22-26 February 2016.

As a part of the CCH III Evaluation we were an integral part of the following events:

  1. Caribbean Nursing and Midwifery Education Workshop

PAHO/WHO in collaboration with CARICOM hosted a workshop in Belize City bringing together nursing and midwifery educators from the Americas to develop a plan to strengthen nursing and midwifery education in the Caribbean. Read more http://www.paho.org/ocpc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=421:caribbean-nurses-gather-to-improve-nursing-educator-competencies&Itemid=0

  1. Caribbean Environmental Health Conference

Read more


It has been a pleasure doing the evaluation of the CCH III and working with all the key agencies and the people of the Caribbean. We commend the regional cooperative work and outcomes of the PAHO/WHO and the Office of Caribbean Program Coordination (http://www.paho.org/ocpc/), Caricom, the Caribbean Community Secretariat (http://www.caricom.org/), CARPHA, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (http://carpha.org/), and the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, West Indies (http://www1.cavehill.uwi.edu/).  We also commend the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) for all their initiatives to improve the health of the people of the Caribbean.  Check out the HCC and all their activities at http://www.healthycaribbean.org/.

Stay tuned for the final evaluation report of the CCH III and our recommendations for the way forward CCH IV in March 2016.

Global Health Strategies and Initiatives

Make sure you are up to date on the latest information pertaining to Global Health Initiatives:

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/)

The WHO’s Universal Health Coverage initiative (http://www.who.int/healthsystems/universal_health_coverage/en/), and;

The Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health (http://who.int/hrh/resources/globstrathrh-2030/en/).

Let us know how we can help you? Lead with us to make the world a better and safer place for all.


Stephanie L. Ferguson
President & CEO
Stephanie L. Ferguson & Associates, LLC

Let's get in touch.

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